
Jacked Kitchen :: Food Blogger

Jacked Kitchen :: Food Blogger

Do you know Jacked Kitchen? If you don't, get acquainted! Amy Biedenharn, the home chef behind the food blog, is also one of my favorite people! I know Amy from competing way back when on the gymnastics team at Illinois State. In college Amy was obviously a way better cook than I could ever dream, even for college standards. Over the years, Amy has honed her culinary approach and strives to make home cooking attainable even for the most kitchen-challenged [me]!

Photo Tips :: Take Better Photos in a Few Easy Steps

Photo Tips :: Take Better Photos in a Few Easy Steps

I'm getting ready to do my first digital photography tutorial for a group of super cool neighborhood moms who want to learn how to take better photos with their DSLRs and iPhones. It's a fantastic group of people, there will be wine, plus my colleague and friend, Tracy Peterson, will be co-hosting this with me! Trifecta of a good night, right?

As a result, I prepared a short 2-page quick start to help you all start taking better pictures straight off your DSLR [iPhone tips coming soon]. From a high level, I cover shutter speed, aperture, ISO, gear and how I got specific shots.

Download the digital photography quick start >>

My top tips on digital photography:

  1. Practice, practice practice. Take a photo, look at it, try the exact same shot but at different settings. Observe what differences you see if you modify any of those settings.
  2. Never shoot in program mode [see the guide for why not!]
  3. Don't get bogged down by equipment and megapixels. You don't really need 30 megapixels unless you want to put your photo on a billboard. If you still want them, awesome, but don't let anyone sway your purchase based on this alone. 
  4. Back up your files and print those images! 
  5. Have fun! It's one of the best hobbies to pick up and learn at your own pace.

The Wedding Guide: Advice for Choosing a Wedding Photographer

The Wedding Guide: Advice for Choosing a Wedding Photographer

Congratulations! What an exciting time in your life. This guide is designed to help you navigate wedding photography from engagement sessions to what to expect the day of to creating your most perfect wedding album.

If you’ve made it this far to find this guide, it means you are on your way to exploring photographers to capture this life milestone.

I firmly believe that wedding photography isn’t just having the pro gear and the ability to capture an image. I believe it’s a visual narrative. Of the big moments and the little in-between moments. When you see your images, you see a visual storyboard from beginning to end. Where images can standalone, but are powerful as part of a bigger story. 

Your story.

You’ll remember the biggest moments of the day. I will help you relive all the details.

xo, Pam

Download the wedding guide >>


Travel :: Hawaii

Travel :: Hawaii

If you've met me, it probably doesn't surprise you how much I love Hawaii. It's without question one my favorite places to visit. The smell of salt water, the sound of the ocean, and the spirit of the aloha wash over me and it's another world. My heart rate slows, my shoulders lower, and I forget about whatever I used to worry about on the mainland. It's a place I truly can unwind and rebalance. I never look forward to spending 9 hours on a plane more. It's practically a quick work day anyway!

I'm lucky enough to have family in Hawaii and getting to connect with them as an adult has been awesome. My grandparents grew up on the Big Island, so growing up we would visit every so often, but often times that meant bypassing Oahu. Going back to Oahu and spending time with family there has been quite special. 

Portraits :: Rodeghero Family [Chicago]

Portraits :: Rodeghero Family [Chicago]


charity: water is a phenomenal organization that aims to provide impoverished areas of the world with tools to be able to access clean water. Because its operations are funded by private donors, every dollar that is raised funds clean water projects. It's an organization whose mission and philosophies align with my personal views. And I wanted to be involved.

So, in December of 2013 I ran a [one month] campaign for charity: water called 'Photos for Filters'. In this campaign, I was offering 20 min sessions for donations of $100 or more. The response was amazing, and within a few weeks, I reached my goal of raising $2000!

Feature :: Chef Charles Webb

Feature :: Chef Charles Webb

You just never know when and where you'll meet people. I met Chef Charles late last September and I have grown to respect his talent and craft with food. Actually, food would be an understatement. What I really mean is, this guy can cook. No, that doesn't sound just right either. ​

If you want attention to detail and a culinary experienced from a master chef, meet Charles.​

That's more like it. I caught up with Chef Charles (and Chef Rick) in a West Loop loft to capture the magic in the making. ​

I'm a sucker for his black truffle honey. I'd eat that on a piece of old lunch meat.​

Feature :: Joe Chlebeck

So I have a confession. I'm in love. With Joe.

After years of awkward hair cuts from ill suitors, I stumbled across Joe just as I was doing a major chop for Locks of Love. I remember being nervous as he split my hair into two low ponies. Just before I could say anything he snipped it off and said "TOO LATE".

Feature :: Miss Windy City Jennifer Carr

Most self proclaimed tom boys typically don't get into pageants, but Jennifer Carr did to 'meet more female friends' when she was in high school. I was crazy interested in asking about the pageant life of this fellow Illinois State Redbird alum; what I learned was fascinating.