Travel :: Santiago, Chile [Segment 1/3]

Santiago was the first of three legs of the South American adventure. After a long day of travel from Chicago to Santiago via Panama City, we finally checked in to the W Santiago.

We had only one full day to explore Santiago. We started walking and found a park with a path that lead to San Cristobal Hill. We saw a long line and didn’t know what it was for. It was the line for the cable car ride to the top of the hill. Nah, we thought, lines are stupid. We walked the 45 minutes up to the top. It was hot and dusty, but seeing the temple and statue was incredible. The temple was modeled after a Roman basilica and built in 1921. German sculptor, Peter Horn, constructed the images and two sculptures in the gardens.

Post walk, I had what I describe as the best beer in my life. It was ice cold Kristal and it arrived by the liter. Then came the chorillana. You heard of it? It’s basically a base of french fries, meat, gravy and fried egg. My middle name is now chorillana.

Dinner at Boca Noriz gave us our first taste in local cuisine. This little wine bar in Barrio Lastarria served up rabbit, congrio, and lamb. Group dinners can be awesome in ordering multiple different entrees and sharing.

Santiago’s warm charm won me over. South America is beautiful in culture and tradition. Not only is it a very clean and vibrant city, I found so many people to be kind and friendly. Warm smiles, meaningful greetings. I’ve already googled Chilean recipes that I want to try out. Perhaps I can get Jacked Kitchen to lend me a hand.

Cheers, Santiago. You are beautiful. 

Check out segment 2 and segment 3 of the adventure!

Hotel: W Santiago
Air: Copa Air